Traditionally, the rain that is counted as the first rain of the monsoon is the one that falls on the day of the Aardra Nakshatra. The nature of the rainfall during the span of the following couple of days serves as an indicator for the monsoon pattern. Very good rains during this period = heavy monsoon.... like the one this year. Of course, such rain-spells have no regard for man-made stuff like roads/ plantations! Well... we have not seen a clear, blue sky for more than two and a half months now. 'Pitter-patter is the non-stop music/ cacophony that is being played. Everything is cold, wet and musty. In short, I'm sick and tired of rains... Every time I begin to feel this way, I remind myself about some of the things I like during monsoon- things from my immediate surroundings that cheer me up and see me through these dull, drab days...... moments that happen only during the monsoon. Let me share a few of them with you.... I'll begin with someth...