Conducting a research on lizards? Short on them?? Feel free to drop into my office-cum-study. At any point of time, you'll find at least one on the wall. Right now, a little one is playing 'catch-me-if-you-can' with an adult! Actually, the word 'lizard' sounds so unemotional and scientific. I prefer the Hindi chipkali ... it sounds slimy and creepy - and, suits the creature better! Not that I haven't tried to chase the chipkali s away....I have tried every kind of repellant - from the commercially available stuff to placing peacock feathers at vantage points... and failed. Now, my teenager tells me that her friend has a surefire solution - to write Kaanchi Maharaja all over the walls - mind you, it should be written in Kannada with chalk! After having a good laugh (alone) at this one, I began to wonder.................................................. Maybe, lizards find it hard to mov...