The other day, on our way to Chikmaglur, we passed by this pond near a sleepy hamlet..... and, we saw something that we had never seen before!

Monkeys, or any other animal in the wild for that matter, do not like human attention/ interference. When they are in a group, they are fearless and do not hesitate to show their dislike.
Fearful of attack, I didn't dare to go closer than about 40 feet! That's why, in this pic, one can just about make out that these monkeys are eating some part of the lotus plant!
As a term, 'lotus eater' is synonymous with 'pleasure seeker'.
On the other hand, it is a well known fact that the entire lotus plant is edible in one form or the other - roots, stems, leaves, flowers & seeds!! I remember seeing lotus stem in brine on the shelves of some super markets.
As food, roots, leaves, etc. are supposed to have several health benefits. Curiously, the seeds are supposed to be slightly narcotic.
Whether they were having a rave party or attending a health camp or simply having breakfast (it was 8-ish in the morning), these monkeys were having a lot of fun.
Lotus eaters..... whichever way you want to look at them!!

Monkeys, or any other animal in the wild for that matter, do not like human attention/ interference. When they are in a group, they are fearless and do not hesitate to show their dislike.
Fearful of attack, I didn't dare to go closer than about 40 feet! That's why, in this pic, one can just about make out that these monkeys are eating some part of the lotus plant!
As a term, 'lotus eater' is synonymous with 'pleasure seeker'.
On the other hand, it is a well known fact that the entire lotus plant is edible in one form or the other - roots, stems, leaves, flowers & seeds!! I remember seeing lotus stem in brine on the shelves of some super markets.
As food, roots, leaves, etc. are supposed to have several health benefits. Curiously, the seeds are supposed to be slightly narcotic.
Whether they were having a rave party or attending a health camp or simply having breakfast (it was 8-ish in the morning), these monkeys were having a lot of fun.
Lotus eaters..... whichever way you want to look at them!!
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