Over there! That man in the lungi! He is the umbrella repairer! A nomadic umbrella repairer, in fact! His dress, his paraphernalia and his sudden appearance in mid-June....make me wonder if he has hopped out of an R.K.Narayan book!
Calling out 'Koday repayri? ' (Umbrellas for repair?), he walks along the length and breadth of the town and repairs umbrellas at his client's door step, except, on market days. On this day, his clients come to him. You'll find him near the bus stand, the busiest part of the town on market days.
Now, if you live in the Malnad, the brolly is one of your most important accessories for at least three months. Mid-June to mid-September, everyone lugs one around. Losing/ misplacing umbrellas is a common occurrence.
When regularly used, umbrellas are prone to some common complaints. The most common one is of the cloth/ spokes slipping off at joints - such a nuisance!
A simple looking problem, but, try fixing it! Within no time, you'll realise that it is a job that is best left to an expert! No wonder, the umbrella repairer's a professional in great demand during these three months!
It's now October - the rains have almost disappeared. The umbrella repairer has disappeared too! Maybe, he has another vocation during the dry months. Or, maybe, he does live inside an R.K.Narayan book!!
Good one. I am sure you can write good stories. Why should you not try it out. Your language is good. You are open to even minute details of the society. You have the curiosity. Pls try.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the nice words of encouragement, Arun sir.